推薦訂購博客來-Creative Play for Your Baby- Steiner Waldorf Expertise and Toy Projects for 3 Mont博客來網路書店,博客來網路書局,博客來書店,


Creative Play for Your Baby: Steiner Waldorf Expertise and Toy Projects for 3 Months-2 Years
Creative Play for Your Baby: Steiner Waldorf Expertise and Toy Projects for 3 Months-2 Years
  • 定價:523


    博客來-Creative Play for Your Baby: Steiner Waldorf Expertise and Toy Projects for 3 Months-2 Years博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F011156353


    Babies and young toddlers explore their worlds through creative play. Based on the Steiner theory—the world-renowned holistic approach to childhood education as taught in the Waldorf Schools—this illustrated guide offers advice for parents on helping your baby develop mind, body, and spirit through stimulating imaginative play. Practical instruction is provided for each stage of development, centering around some 25 age-appropriate toys that parents can make at home. The playthings include dolls and puppets, knitted animals, rattles and balls, simple cars and other vehicles, blocks, and even a sandbox. The toys will stir the imagination, enhance sensory awareness, and enable children to discover more of their expanding world.




  • 1.美味的床邊故事(上下2冊,不分售)
  • 2.頑皮魔法
  • 3.友情慕斯的魔力
  • 4.深度閱讀測驗
  • 5.手指創造幸福
  • 6.防止老化的力量
  • 7.認識泌尿科
  • 8.召喚美女軍團 1 戰神家族
  • 9.活色生梟 3 爭風相對
  • 10.最終智能 21 大開殺戒

  • 博客來網路書店,博客來網路書局,博客來e-coupon 2012,博客來書店,1i6博客來網路書店,博客來網路書店歡迎您,博客來書局,博客來售票網,博客來折價券2012,books 博客來網路書店



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